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A Natural History of The Senses

A Natural History of The Senses
By: Diane Ackerman

The Feeling Bubble –

“The bubble is our skin. But the skin is also alive, breathing and excreting, shielding us from harmful rays and microbial attack, metabolizing vitamin D, insulating us from heat and cold, repairing itself when necessary, regulating blood flow, acting as a frame for our sense of touch, aiding us in sexual attraction, defining our individuality, holding all the thick red jams and jellies inside us where they belong.”  - The Feeling Bubble, from A Natural History of the Senses. Pg.67

Living in a world in which moves so fact with people that are constantly busy we tend to forget to pay attention to our self’s and our body’s. People also do not stop and appreciate the busty of what the body does.  I choose to make the box to recusant the outside world that our skin protects us from. Then I use the balloon to represent my self and my own bubble. I also filled the balloon with sand from my beach back home to make the art more personal.

Adventures In The Touch Dome –

“Though a trifle arcane, this is a fitting gift for a trip to San Francisco’s Touch Dome, at the door of which I arrive a few hours later. At the far end of the Exploratorium, an extraordinary hands-on science Museum stands a three-dimensional maze through which one walks, climbs, crawls, and slithers in marmoreal darkness.” – Adventures In The Touch Dome, From A Natural History of the Senses. Pg.97

When I was reading this article I could not help to think about how amazing the experience was to be able to go to the Touch Dome and being able to experience. I created a shadow box and used wood to create a maze within the box. I also used the wood to be able to add a feeling aspect to it. I also added sand to the inside of the box to add more texture. The fingerprints on the sides represent the fact that everything we touch we leave a piece of us with it but also taking the experience that we had in touch with us.


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